Thursday, July 1, 2010

Mark Riepe, Senior Vice President, Schwab Center for Financial Research shares the following with Dumb Little Man readers:

Imagine for a moment that you’ve just received a year-end bonus or income tax refund. You’re not sure whether to invest now or wait. After all, the market recently hit an all-time high. Now imagine that you face this kind of decision every year — sometimes in up markets, other times in downdrafts. What’s a good rule of thumb to follow?

Our research definitively shows that the cost of waiting for the perfect moment to invest far exceeds the benefit of even perfect timing. And because timing the market perfectly is, well, about as likely as winning the lottery, the best strategy for most of us mere mortal investors is not to try to market-time at all. Instead, make a plan and invest as soon as possible.


But don’t take my word for it. Consider our research on the performance of five long-term investors following very different investment strategies. Each received $2,000 at the beginning of every year for the 20 years ending in 2006 and left the money in the market once invested.(1) Check out how they fared:

PETER PERFECT was a perfect market timer. He had incredible skill (or luck) and was able to place his $2,000 into the market every year at the lowest monthly close.

For example, Peter had $2,000 to invest at the start of 1987. Rather than putting it immediately into the market, he waited and invested after month-end November 1987 — that year’s monthly low point for the S&P 500® Index (a proxy for the stock market).

At the beginning of 1988, Peter received another $2,000. He waited and invested the money after January 1988, the monthly low point for the market for that year. He continued to time his investments perfectly every year through 2006.

ASHLEY ACTION took a simple, consistent approach: Each year, once she received her cash, she invested her $2,000 in the market at the earliest possible moment.

MATTHEW MONTHLY divided his annual $2,000 allotment into 12 equal portions,which he invested at the beginning of each month. This strategy is known as dollar cost averaging. You may already be doing this through regular investments in your 401(k) plan or an Automatic Investment Plan (AIP), which allows you to deposit money into mutual funds on a set timetable.

ROSIE ROTTEN had incredibly poor timing — or perhaps terribly bad luck: She invested her $2,000 each year at the market’s peak, in stark defiance of the investing maxim to “buy low.” For example, Rosie invested her first $2,000 at the end of August 1987 — that year’s monthly high point for the S&P 500. She received her second $2,000 at the beginning of 1988 and invested it at the end of December 1988, the peak for that year.

LARRY LINGER left his money in cash (using Treasury bills as a proxy) every year and never got around to investing in stocks at all. He was always convinced that lower stock prices — and, therefore, better opportunities to invest his money — were just around the corner.


We looked at how much wealth each of the five investors had accumulated at the end of the 20 years (1987–2006). Actually, we looked at 62 separate 20-year periods in all, finding similar results across almost all time periods.

Naturally, the best results belonged to Peter, who waited and timed his annual investment perfectly: He accumulated $146,761. But the study’s most stunning findings concern Ashley, who came in second with $141,856 — only $4,905 less than Peter Perfect. This relatively small difference is especially surprising considering that Ashley had simply put her money to work as soon as she received it each year — without any pretense of market timing.

Matthew’s dollar-cost-averaging approach delivered solid returns, earning him third place with $134,625 at the end of 20 years. That didn’t surprise us. After all, in a typical 12-month period, the market has risen 75 percent of the time.(2) So Ashley’s pattern of investing first thing did, over time, yield lower buying prices than Matthew’s monthly discipline and, thus, higher ending wealth.

Rosie Rotten’s results also proved surprisingly encouraging. While her poor timing left her about $18,262 short of Ashley (who didn’t try timing investments), Rosie still earned significantly more than double what she would have if she hadn’t invested in the market at all.

And what of Larry Linger, the procrastinator who kept waiting for a better opportunity to buy stocks — and then didn’t buy at all? He fared worst of all, with only $61,622. His biggest worry had been investing at a market high. Ironically, had he done that each year, he would have still earned more than twice as much over the 20-year period.


Regardless of the time period considered, the rankings turn out to be remarkably similar. We analyzed all 62 rolling 20-year periods dating back to 1926 (e.g., 1926–1945, 1927–1946, etc.). In 52 of the 62 periods, the rankings were exactly the same; that is, Peter Perfect was first, Ashley Action second, Matthew Monthly third, Rosie Rotten fourth and Larry Linger last.

But what about the 10 periods when the results were not as expected, as illustrated in the table? Even in these periods, investing immediately never came in last. It was in its normal second place four times, third place five times and fourth place only once, from 1962 to 1981, one of the few periods of persistently weak equity markets.What’s more, during that period, fourth, third and second places were virtually tied.

We also looked at all possible 30-, 40- and 50-year time periods, starting in 1926. If you don’t count the few instances when investing immediately swapped places with dollar cost averaging, all of these time periods followed the same pattern. In every 30-, 40- and 50-year period, perfect timing was first, followed by investing immediately or dollar cost averaging, bad timing and, finally, never buying stocks.


If you make an annual investment (such as a contribution to an IRA or to a child’s 529 plan), and you’re not sure whether to invest in January of each year, wait for a “better” time, or dribble your investment out evenly over the year, be decisive. The best course of action for most of us is to create an appropriate plan and take action on that plan as soon as possible. It’s nearly impossible to accurately identify market bottoms on a regular basis. So, realistically, the best action that a long-term investor can take, based on our study, is to invest at the first possible moment, regardless of the current level of the stock market.

If you’re tempted to try to wait for the best time to invest in the stock market, our study suggests that the benefits of doing this aren’t all that impressive — even for perfect timers. Remember, over 20 years, Peter Perfect amassed less than $5,000 more than the investor who put her cash to work right away.

Even badly timed stock market investments were much better than no stock market investments at all. Our study suggests that investors who procrastinate are likely to miss out on the stock market’s potential growth. By perpetually waiting for the “right time,” Larry sacrificed $61,972 compared to even the worst market timer, who invested in the market at each year’s high.


If you don’t have the opportunity, or stomach, to invest your lump sum all at once, consider investing smaller amounts more frequently. Dollar cost averaging has several benefits:

PREVENTS PROCRASTINATION. Some of us just have a hard time getting started. We know we should be investing, but we never quite get around to it. Much like a regular 401(k) payroll deduction, dollar cost averaging helps force yourself to invest consistently.

MINIMIZES REGRET. Even the most even-tempered stock trader feels at least a tinge of regret when an investment proves to be poorly timed. Worse, such regret may cause you to disrupt your investment strategy in an attempt to make up for your setback. Dollar cost averaging can minimize this regret because you make multiple investments, none of them particularly large.

AVOIDS MARKET TIMING. Dollar cost averaging ensures that you will participate in the stock market regardless of current conditions. While this will not guarantee a profit or protect against a loss in a declining market, it will eliminate the temptation to try market-timing strategies that rarely succeed.

As you strive to reach your financial goals, keep these research findings in mind. It may be tempting to try to wait for the “best time” to invest — especially in a volatile market environment. But before you do, remember the high cost of waiting. Even the worst possible market timers beat not investing in the stock market at all.

salams ~ Azie

Sunday, April 18, 2010

I reach out first with love and trust and be an energy giver.............. i love you oulss.... ;)

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Public Mutual muncul sebagai pemenang terbesar untuk 7 tahun berturut-turut . Anak syarikat milik penuh Public Bank, Public Mutual memenangi 10 daripada 29 anugerah, ini termasuk anugerah berprestij “Kumpulan Keseluruhan Terbaik” di Tahun 2010 Anugerah Dana Malaysia The Edge-Lipper yang diadakan di Pusat Konvensyen Kuala Lumpur pada 23 Februari 2010.
Ini merupakan tahun ke-7 berturut-turut Public Mutual muncul sebagai pemenang terbesar di majlis penyampaian anugerah tersebut. Dengan memenangi anugerah-anugerah ini, Public Mutual kini telah menerima sebanyak 148 anugerah industri.

Tan Sri Teh mendedikasikan anugerah-anugerah ini kepada lembaga pengarah Public Mutual, badan pengurusan, kakitangan, perunding-perunding unit amanah and para pelabur atas sokongan dan kepercayaan kuat yang mereka berikan tahun demi tahun.

10 anugerah yang dimenangi adalah :

NoDana /SyarikatKategori

1.Public Mutual BerhadAnugerah Kumpulan Keseluruhan Terbaik

2.Public Dana Regional SectorEquiti Asia Pasifik3 tahun

3.Public Dana Far-East DividendEquiti Asia Pasifik ex-Jepun3 tahun

4.Public Dana SmallCapEquiti Modal Kecil dan Sederhana Malaysia3 tahun

5.Public Dana SmallCapEquiti Modal Kecil dan Sederhana Malaysia5 tahun

6.Public Dana Bond Bon Ringgit Malaysia10 tahun

7.PB Dana Balanced Campuran Aset Seimbang Ringgit Malaysia 10 tahun

8.Public Dana Islamic Bond Bon Ringgit Malaysia - Islam 3 tahun

9.Public Dana Islamic Bond Bon Ringgit Malaysia - Islam 5 tahun

10.Public Dana IttikalEkuiti Malaysia 10 tahun
Salams ~ Azie

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Assalamualaikum semua...

Wah setelah sekian lama tidak menaip... hari ni masih lagi kepenatan sebab baru balik dari Taman Negara... seronok yang teramat and sakit kaki yang teramat lah jugak... sekarang ni semua tengah bersemangat nak buat sales.. go.go.. my team.. make me proud.. emmm topik baru nanti saya akan post yek....

salams ~ azie

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

DCA adalah singkatan bagi Dollar Cost Averaging. Gunanya untuk minimumkan kerugian if market down dan cepatkan proses keuntungan bila market dah mula naik. Penerangan saya simple je. Saya tunjukkan contoh mcm kat bawah:-

First Investment : RM50,000

Harga seunit : RM0.50 sen

Jumlah unit : 100,000 units (50,000 / 0.50)

Katakan lepas buat first investment seperti di atas, market jatuh sampai harga fund tu jadi 0.25 sen.  Ikutkan, dah rugi separuh tapi bila kita buat DCA , ia akan membantu mengurangkan kerugian dan mempercepatkan keuntungan bila maret naik. Jadi konsep DCA adalah dengan menambah pelaburan seperti di bawah:-

Second Investment : RM30,000

Harga seunit : RM0.25 sen

Jumlah unit : 120,000 units (30,000 / 0.25)

Katakan pelabur tu tambah RM30 ribu, jadi pengiraan Dollar Cost Averaging sprt berikut:-

Total investment / total units = DCA

Total Investment : RM80,000 (first investment + second investment)

Total units : 220,000 units (first investment units + second investment units)

DCA : 80,000 / 220,000 = 0.36 sen

Jadi purata harga belian pelabur adalah 0.36 sen. Jika para pelabur membiarkan sahaja pelaburan dan tidak membuat DCA, para pelabur perlu mengambil masa yang agak lama untuk invstment tersebut make profit semula. Kalau buat DCA, dengan 0.36 sen tu lagi cepat breakeven dari tunggu 0.25 sen nak ke 0.50 sen. Senang cerita kalau saya tanya, 0.36 sen lagi dekat ke 0.50 ke, 0.25 sen lagi dekat ke 0.50 sen? Haaa...dah tentu 0.36 sen kan. So that is the concept of DCA. Rasenya senang nak faham kan? Jadi apa kata kita mula dari sekarang....

Happy Investing....

Salams ~ Azie

Bijak Menabung: Fahami makna saham amanah

BEKAS juara tinju dunia, Muhammad Ali pernah berkata: Mereka yang takut mengambil risiko, tidak akan menempa kejayaan dalam hidup. Sememangnya hidup ini penuh dengan risiko, namun tidak ramai yang mengetahui bahawa ada risiko boleh diurus!

Risiko yang boleh diurus antaranya adalah pelaburan dalam saham amanah. Ramai yang membuat andaian saham amanah itu hanyalah saham amanah yang diuruskan oleh Permodalan Nasional Berhad (PNB) seperti Amanah Saham Nasional (ASN) ataupun Amanah Saham Bumiputera (ASB). Tidak ramai yang mengetahui bahawa kebanyakan institusi perbankan di negara ini turut menawarkan saham amanah.

Saham amanah adalah antara alternatif pelaburan terbaik terutama apabila matlamat pelaburan adalah untuk kegunaan jangka masa sederhana (tiga ke lima tahun) dan jangka panjang (lebih lima tahun). Ini kerana saham amanah berisiko rendah yang diurus oleh pengurus dana professional, dikawal selia oleh Suruhanjaya Sekuriti dan badan pemegang amanah seperti Amanah Raya Berhad dan industri ini dipantau oleh Bank Negara Malaysia.

Risikonya menjadi tinggi apabila pelabur tidak mempunyai masa (kurang daripada tiga tahun) kerana secara umumnya kitaran pasaran saham (merudum dan meningkat) mengambil masa antara dua ke tiga tahun untuk pulih. Jika pelabur mempunyai tempoh berkenaan, pelaburan saham amanah ini tidak berisiko langsung!

Saham amanah bukanlah skim cepat kaya (yang diharamkan kerajaan), tetapi ia adalah satu pelaburan yang sah dari segi undang-undang dan mereka yang terbabit dalam bidang ini terutama perunding saham amanahnya perlu menduduki peperiksaan khas oleh badan induk industri ini, Federation of Malaysian Unit Trust Managers (FUMTM) sebelum boleh menawarkan perkhidmatan ini.

Dana amanah ini dikumpulkan secara kelompok menerusi penggemblengan modal daripada individu ataupun syarikat ini, dilaburkan oleh pengurus dana dalam pelbagai sektor ekonomi termasuk bon dan instrumen pasaran kewangan lain yang tidak mudah bagi individu kecil untuk menyertainya.

Saham amanah ini berbeza daripada pelaburan dalam pasaran saham biasa kerana dengan kadar minimum RM1000, individu boleh membuat pelaburan sedangkan jika mereka membuat pelaburan dalam pasaran saham biasa, individu berkenaan memerlukan modal yang agak besar bagi membeli saham di bursa saham.

Peluang pertumbuhan dalam saham amanah ini juga jauh lebih besar dengan purata pulangan antara 10 hingga 15 peratus setahun bergantung kepada jenis dana pelaburan dipilih. Jika disimpan dalam akaun simpanan biasa ataupun simpanan tetap pulangannya antara satu ke tiga peratus dan pulangan yang rendah ini mudah terhakis oleh kesan inflasi dan cukai.

Sebilangan jenis saham amanah, modal pelabur kekal terjamin yang terikat tempoh tertentu, manakala ada dana memberi pulangan berganda menerusi tiga cabang pulangan iaitu keuntungan atas modal, dividen dan juga bonus. Kelebihan dana amanah ini adalah ia mempunyai kecairan yang tinggi, yang mana pelaburan ini boleh dikeluarkan pada bila-bila masa diperlukan.

Keupayaan mengeluarkan duit dalam tempoh lima hingga 10 hari waktu bekerja ini penting berbanding pelaburan saham di pasaran saham yang mana pembeli perlu menunggu harga dikehendaki baru boleh dijual.

Pelaburan saham amanah ini memang ada caj pengurusannya iaitu hingga 5.5 peratus, dan untuk pengetahuan semua, syarikat kami menawarkan caj pengurusan yang paling rendah di antara semua institusi pengurusan dana di Malaysia.

Jika ingin membuat pelaburan, sebenarnya mana-mana institusi pengurusan dana mempunyai kelebihan dan kekuatan sendiri dengan setiap dana itu mempunyai objektif pelaburan berbeza. Apapun jangan mudah terpedaya dengan laungan retorik ‘terbaik’ kerana berdasarkan analisis pelaburan, seperti pasaran saham setiap dana itu ada zaman turun-naiknya sendiri. Pelaburan dalam saham amanah itu perlukan kesabaran dan bukan bermatlamat untuk mendapat untung cepat.

Penting bagi pelabur untuk memahami apakah itu saham amanah dan mekanisme saham amanah itu sendiri. Sebelum membuat sebarang pelaburan, dapatkan maklumat lanjut terlebih dulu daripada perunding saham amanah bertauliah selain perkhidmatan sampingan lain yang ditawarkan. Pastinya anda tidak mahu pelaburan anda itu menyukarkan ahli keluarga membuat tuntutan tanpa penama pewaris dalam pelaburan. Justeru, buat pilihan bijak!

Salams ~ Azie

Salam semua... seperti yang dijanjikan, saya akan mula bercerita di blog saya mengenai pelaburan di unit trust atau amanah saham. Saya akan ceritakan sedikit demi sedikit supaya semua faham.  Kalau ada yang tak faham dan perlukan lebih maklumat lanjut boleh la hubungi saya atau email saya.  Well guys, happy investing...

Salams ~ Azie

Monday, January 18, 2010


Assalamualaikum semua... harap2 semua sihat dan ceria selalu... disini saya ingin menjemput semua yang berminat untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut mengenai unit trust dan peluang-peluang yang ada boleh la datang ke BOP pada hari Rabu ini. Details as per below... dan kalau tak dapat datang rabu ni.. boleh datang rabu depan sebab kita buat setiap hari Rabu.... :)

Tarikh  : 20th Jan 2010
Masa   :  8 malam - 9 malam
Tempat :  Bangsar Branch

untuk maklumat lanjut and direction boleh la call saya di 019-3049375.

Salams ~ Azie
